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Makis Papageorgiou for CHILD AND INTERNET

Why is the Internet useful to a child? How much does it affect his personality? Who is a child at risk from online? How can I protect it? Who is he allowed to talk to? How do I know if my child is addicted to the internet? Where should I go for support?

These are the most important questions answered in my book Child and Internet , released in a 2nd revised edition by En plo Publications, on the occasion of the completion of 30 years (6/8/1991) from the launch of the World Wide Web ( World Wide Web - WWW), i.e. the Internet as we know it and use it today.

The internet is an amazing tool for the 21st century man. It became the medium that allowed the diffusion of information, information, knowledge and entertainment throughout the world, offering equal and immediate access to all people's accumulated wealth. At the same time, it changed communication into an open, direct and two-way relationship. It is essentially the biggest window on our planet, a tool that we all use every day: 5.1 billion, that is almost 2 out of 3 inhabitants of the Earth are Internet users and every day 900,000 new people are added to them.

What the Internet user discovers on his magical journey in the virtual universe, the more they make him impressed by the new horizons, which open wide before his eyes. The continuous technological development of the internet reveals more and more possibilities and perspectives to the modern man, who is even more attracted by this unique creation of his. The easy access to universal knowledge, the direct communication and acquaintance with other people, the multiple applications to satisfy every need of daily life and the possibility to connect around the clock are just some of the features of the internet that attract its users.

On the other hand, the internet, like a knife, is an extremely useful but also dangerous tool. Such a tool in the hands of an unsuspecting child can be disastrous. Within its 180 pages and in a reader-friendly format, the book presents all the useful information about the Internet, informs about the dangers that exist in it and offers the necessary advice, so that with the active intervention of parents and teachers, addiction can be avoided and its negative effects on children.

Particular weight is given to the influence of the Internet on the character, education, personal life, interpersonal relationships and sexuality of children, while the dangers of violence, crime, pornography, pedophilia and gambling are described, which can easily meet children online. Also, interesting facts about social networks, chatrooms and blogs are presented. In closing, the book focuses its attention on the growing phenomenon of Internet addiction and gives basic directions for a safe navigation of children on the Internet.

This relationship between the child and the Internet, which the book deals with, concerns all of us, especially parents, teachers and those involved in the education of children. It is our common obligation to build a correct, healthy, beneficial and enjoyable relationship of our children with the internet, to offer them the responsible education to draw from it its unique advantages, but also to safely avoid hidden and unknown dangers, that threaten them in their online journeys, as well as the dangerous addiction of its reckless use.

This is the aim of my book Child and Internet . It is not a scientific textbook on the internet, but a journalistic report on the greatest technological achievement of the 20th century. A report with basic information, instructions and advice, so that our children can have a creative and safe relationship with the Internet.

Sponsors of the publication of the book and its translations into English and French, which will be released soon, are Minetta Insurance, the Hellenic Granite Company, the industrial equipment company Mangrinox, the Christodoulou Family natural juices, the investment company Thetis Capital and the Club of History & Culture of AEK.

Child and Internet
Everything you need to know for a creative and safe use of the internet
2nd edition revised
Makis Papageorgiou