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This book was not strictly based on any one basic idea. Life itself I can say brought it, when about three years ago a friend of mine, after a personal problem he was facing, shut himself up and in his house. His only occupation and communication with the outside world was facebook.

Needing to stand by him, and having no other option, I created a facebook account and started writing him little texts, which helped him quite a bit, as he later revealed to me. So this was the reason for me to start writing. Then, taking inspiration from my daily life and from my readings, I started writing texts, short stories from people's lives. The urging of some friends to go ahead with writing a book made me take the next step. So, somehow, my first paper child was born, Everything will be alright .

In my quest to change my inner outlook on life so that I was constantly discovering its hidden beauty, I almost always came across people who had a lot to say to me. And other times I happened to see and be inspired by things that others would not pay any attention to. While at other times my own contemplation and searching created feelings for me, which I had to somehow express. I usually chose writing. I believe that every book follows its own secret path, to finally end up in people's hearts. This route, as well as the future readers, cannot be known from the beginning by the author. Nevertheless, I believe that every author during the writing of his book, has brought them to his mind and will gradually bring them down to his heart, with the ultimate purpose through words to meet with them. Something like that happened to me too. When I wrote the lyrics, I had in mind all those everyday people who run everyday in the arena of life. All those who seek the meaning and joy of life, even through the difficulties they experience. All those who are constantly searching their lives, to finally meet themselves and their God. All those who desire their personal development. Putting the finishing touches on my book, I was sure they had captured a part of my heart!

I believe that every book follows its own secret path, to finally end up in people's hearts.

I believe that the main problem in human relations is the non-acceptance of the other. Most of the time, we look not at the person we have next to us, but at the person we wish we had. The man we have fantasized about, the man we see in our dreams changed at our own request and for our own confirmation, not of his own will, but according to our own certainties. And that's when we ask for guarantees, strong promises, from our spouse, from our child, from our father or mother, but also from any person we are sometimes related to. We ask them for a couple of "little things", but for them they are neither small nor easy. After all, if their psyche allowed them, they would have made the change themselves, they wouldn't have waited for us. Most of the time this way leads to a dead end! But there is another way, that of genuine love. Because genuine love is privileged to produce change, precisely because it aims not at change, but at unconditional acceptance. Let us therefore dream of the change of the other, but not in the company of our fantasy about him, but guided by his authenticity.

I am an educator, so I am forced to study Psychology and Pedagogy in advance. Besides, studying Psychology and Theology is my hobby. I have attended several educational seminars on human relationships, grief, marriage, parenting, love and more. All these topics are of particular concern to me for another reason: They help me understand who I am and where I want to go as a husband, father of three children, and also an educator. I could say that self-improvement, personal development and the search for God in my daily life are my passion. One of my dreams is to introduce a course in schools from the very first grade, which will offer children lessons in values, self-awareness and empathy.

A few days after the release of my book, I received a message on messenger from a reader who said: “Reading your book I cried, and in its pages I met a part of myself. I thank you. I really want to read it again!” I think this is precisely the condition for the book to justify its existence. To mentally and mentally activate the modern man, to make him think and bring him a little closer to his true self.


Everything will be fine
Self-awareness and search texts, based on real experiences
Seraphim Lappas
Foreword: Fr Charalambos Papadopoulos (Libyan)