Thermos Fr. Vassilios

Archpriest Vasilios Thermos is a child and adolescent psychiatrist. He holds a doctorate from the Theological School of the University of Athens and a professor at the Supreme Ecclesiastical Academy of Athens.

He has been retrained as a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, Boston University, Boston College, and Andover Newton. In 2014 he worked for three months as a Visiting Research Scholar at the Institute for Medical Humanities of the University of Texas. His books and articles have been translated into English, French, Russian, Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Spanish, Finnish. Since 2011, he has been the publishing director of the magazine 'Psychis Dramii'.

For the entirety of his work, postgraduate theses have been prepared a) at the Theological School of the University of Balamand in Lebanon, which was released in English in the European University Studies series by the publishing house Peter Lang, b) at the Theological School of the University of Vienna. From 2017 to 2023 he collaborated with the National Research Foundation on the relationship between Psychoanalysis and Orthodoxy in the framework of the "Science in the Orthodox World" program.

He deals with the training of clergy and other executives of the Church (Greece, USA, Finland), while he also taught for 12 years at the Theological Academy of the Orthodox Church of Albania. He was ordained in 1986 and 1987 and since then he has been serving in the First Diocese of Thebes and Levadeia.

He has conducted and published the first Orthodox research on the psychosomatic health of clergy and their spouses, as well as research on the phenomenon of conversions to the Orthodox Church. Having dealt particularly with issues of sexual orientation and gender, he is invited as a speaker by church and non-church organizations in Europe and the USA.

In 2018, he received the prize for writing a scientific study on the relationship between spirituality and mental health, in a related competition of the Swiss Jean-Marc Fischer Foundation. He has also published 4 poetry collections in Greek and 1 in English.