Djurovic-Habianovic Liliana

Liliana Habjanovic Djurovic was born in 1953 in Krusevac, Serbia, where she completed eight years of elementary school and high school. He received a degree from the University of Economics in Belgrade. He worked as a bank employee and as a commercial consultant for tourism and then as a journalist and editor of the magazine "Duga". During this period he wrote and published four novels. Since 1996 she has devoted herself only to her writing work. In 2003 he founded the publishing house "Globosino Alexandria".
He is the author of 11 novels: "The public bird" (1988), "Anna-Maria did not love me" (1991), "Iva" (1994), "Female genealogy" (1996), "The peacock's wing" (1999 ), "Petcana" (2001), "The Game of Angels" (2003), "The Joy of All the Sorrowful" (2005), "Memoir of a Soul" (2007), "The Water from the Stone" (2009) and " Twinkling in the Star's Eye' (2012).



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