Archimandrite Ephraim Triantafyllopoulos was born in Athens in 1963. He studied at the Pedagogical Academy of Tripoli (1980-1982) and then entered the Panteio School of Political Sciences, where he studied Sociology (1982-1988). He completed postgraduate studies at the School of Theology of A.P.Th. (2006-2012), from where he received a Master's Degree (2009) and a Doctorate (2012) in the field of Ethics and Sociology. A graduate of the French Institute of Athens (1984) and a graduate in English (1977), he speaks French, English and Spanish.
Author of several books, he devotes himself to both writing and translation. He loves literature, poetry, good theater and good cinema. He also writes and translates poetry - mainly haiku - as an amateur.
He serves as Archdeacon in the Holy Metropolis of Sisanio and Siatistis, where he has served continuously since 1995. In October 2012, he was awarded the office of Archimandrite of the Ecumenical Throne by the Ecumenical Patriarch.