Johanna-Ruth Dobschiner ("Hansie"), was born in 1925 in Berlin to Dutch parents of Jewish descent. Due to the rise of Nazism, her strict Orthodox Jewish family moved to Amsterdam in the late 1930s.
She was the only one of her family to survive persecution by the Nazi regime, after wandering for several years throughout the Dutch territory, hiding in houses that supported those who had gone "illegal".
After the war, Hansie moved to Scotland where she trained as a nurse. There she married her husband and had two twin daughters.
He worked tirelessly to promote relations between the Christian and Jewish communities and was a regular speaker at meetings and conferences around the world.
Despite battling cancer for 18 months, he died on August 13, 2002.
The BBC made a documentary about her experiences, the last in 1989. This book, "Selected To Live", was published in many languages ​​and in dozens of reprints.

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