Forming relationships, with an eye on the child - MARIA KOUKOFIKI - CYCLE OF 3 MEETINGS

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Forging relationships, with an eye on the child


School Social Worker MSW
Trained in Systemic - Family Therapy


NOVEMBER 2, 2024
JANUARY 18, 2025
FEBRUARY 22, 2025

Working with children, teenagers, parents and teachers at all stages of my professional career has been an inexhaustible source of personal and interpersonal experience.

I have always liked to observe people and study human relationships, how they are formed and how they change in the cycle of family life, in new forms of living together, in the transitions of school life, in the context of the school community, in the narrow and wider social network, in the complexity and the challenges of the digital age.

Whether we are in the dance of parenthood, or co-exist as important "satellites" in the child's development, a component of our (co)existence is the relationship with ourselves, with the child, the teenager, the parent, the friend, the colleague , the teacher, any "significant other".

Creating relationships , with an eye on the child:
- Am I caring or neglecting?
- Am I changing or resisting?
- (Not) Communicating?
- Am I cooperating?
- What do I consider and what do I review?

- Am I "listening" to needs?
- Do I "see" signs of (un)rest?

- Where is myself?
- Where is the child?

People always do their best! There is no right and wrong!

There are roads that lead and roads that avoid dead ends in communications, relationships and life!

I am waiting for you to share thoughts and experiences about relationships that are created based on respect, hope and love for the child!

Maria Koukofiki


Bookstore En Plo
Harilaou Trikoupi 6-10 - Atrium Shopping Center
T 211 11 98 900-1

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I'm Maria Koukofiki and now live permanently in Athens. My first studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Crete (Department of Philosophical & Social Studies - majoring in Psychology) responded to my love for the Greek language and education. I worked for about a decade in private secondary education as a philologist. My second studies in Social Work (TEI of Athens) satisfied a deeper interest in the person-environment relationship, cultivating new academic and professional concerns. Postgraduate studies at P.M.S. of Social Policy & Social Work – Democritus University of Thrace (Social Work in Education) were a point of connection to my previous studies and solidified my commitment to serve education through the role of School Social Worker.
My professional experience includes individual sessions as part of an internship at the 1st Neurological Clinic of the Aeginetheon Hospital and the 1st Psychiatric Clinic of the Aeginetheon Hospital of the University of Athens and counseling sessions and group programs as a social worker, basically in the context of the school community. I offer counseling services for parents and teenagers. I plan and implement experiential workshops and groups for mental health and personal development, interventions in the school and wider community, short-term information and awareness actions for parents, teachers and students. I have completed the Basic Training Program in Cognitive Psychotherapy of the EPIPSY.
With respect for the uniqueness of man, with love for children and a deep belief that there are always reserves, possibilities and hope to overcome obstacles and lead to changes, I dedicate myself to the relationship with (fellow) man and his place in family and social systems, with a compass the management of difficulties and the personal upward path.

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