Stavros Yiagazoglou

Stavros Giagazoglou is a doctor of theology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and a member of the Académie Internationale des Sciences Religieuses. He was an Advisor to the Pedagogical Institute, the Educational Policy Institute and the Ministry of Education and Religion. He studied theology at the Theological School of Thessaloniki, ecumenical theology at Geneva (Institut Oecuménique de Bossey) and medieval theology and philosophy at the University of Friborg in Switzerland. He served as a theological professor in Secondary Education. He taught by assignment at the Theology Department of the A.P.Th. and at the Theological School of Belgrade. From 2005 until today he teaches as a member of the SEP in the Postgraduate Program of the Hellenic Open University "Studies in Orthodox Theology". He was the director of the quarterly speech and art magazine Indiktos and the quarterly scientific magazine Theology of the Church of Greece. In September 2017, he was elected Assistant Professor of Dogmatics at the Theology Department of the University of Athens.